Asymmetrical or over-sized labia - the outer and inner folds of skin around the vulva - can be a source of embarrassment in general, but it can also cause sexual dysfunction or pain. Labiaplasty, which is also known as labioplasty or labial reduction, is the plastic surgery of the labia. This procedure is usually employed in case of over-elongated labia, and reduces it in size.

Who Can Benefit From A Labial Reduction?

If your labia is a cause for physical discomfort, then labioplasty can be a good option. Oversized or excessive labial tissue can cause pain during exercise, periods of high activity or sexual intercourse. It works simply as a genital enhancement procedure as well, for women who may prefer a different shape or size.

About The Surgery

Using careful suturing techniques designed for minimal scarring, you can expect a safe and reliable labiaplasty at Dr. Chaitasi’s clinic, the foremost labiaplasty clinic in Ahmedabad. Procedures can vary based on the requirement, such as -

Inner lips or Labia Minora Reduction: While no shape or size is considered abnormal, a protruding or extended labia minora may not be desirable for some women. A Labia Minora Reduction surgery is performed under local anaesthesia, and can help trim uneven edges or reduce protuberance.

Outer lips or Labia Majora Reduction: An enlarged labia majora can occur naturally or appear after childbirth or changes in weight. After excess labial tissue is removed, the remaining edges are sutured together.

This common anatomical variation may be worsened by childbirth or by weight gain or loss. They may sometimes be improved by liposuction. In more severe cases, surgical reduction is necessary.

Length of Surgery:

Depending on whether you are having a labia minora or a labia majora surgery, this is an outpatient procedure which you can find at almost any labiaplasty hospital in India, and can take between 1 to 2 hours.


It may take one to two weeks of mild discomfort and swelling to recover from a labiaplasty. Labial incisions heal quickly after that, and save you from pain, embarrassment during sexual encounters or irritation with certain kinds of clothing.

Do you have any questions? or if you’d like to book a confidential appointment.